Chairman Word
Work is worship, knowledge is happiness, and thought is leadership
Praise be to God who was given and blessed, and he gave us many proverbs, and we understood from the writing of the Noble Qur’an how the Prophets and Messengers worked. Therefore, we should not waste our lives in vain because they are limited and we have to make every effort for our last souls in life. I work and find and strive to “learn and work” and after I graduated from Cairo University at the Faculty of Mass Communication, I have a distinguished national media system and companies in many fields and broad public relations as well as a range of social, public and charitable activities. My motto is always treating others with honesty, honesty, integrity and honor in any matter and for anyone. They are qualities. Please God and His Messenger, because religion, treatment and sustenance are in the hands of God and always and forever, I try and then try to do everything that is beneficial and benefit the country and the people, and cooperation between everyone achieves the goal and makes the servants happy.
My success is only with God Almighty
Dr. Samir Al-Sisi
Ambassador of Tolerance and Peace
And international relations advisor
Chairman of the Board and Managing Director .